The Danish Flag!

The Danish Flag!
GIfted to me during the Rotary weekend at the Canadian Ecology Centre when I learned that I was going to Denmark!

Tuesday 24 October 2017

Catching Up

Hey Blog Readers,

I first have a confession to make.


I may be a writer, but I am not a blogger. It might not be an indictment that I do not leap at the chance to wax eloquent about myself for many, many long paragraphs of text, as it's quite possible nobody would read that either, however I ought to be able to keep you posted on an at-least monthly basis. I stand by my affirmation that I can and always will need a secretary, and strangely enough, nobody's jumped at the employment opportunity.

Of course the more expedient method would be to become my own secretary, but who has time for that? Right then, debts incurred, payments due. If you've remained utterly out of communiqué with me save through this blog, you've missed out on the events of my exchange during all of September, and most of October. So without further a-due...

An outline.

I can already hear your boos and shrieks, your hisses and moans! At ease, voracious blog-devouring folks! I would like to give you summaries that will satisfy, cover extensive amounts of my activities, and give you some idea of why I've been busy enough to think about my blog, but not write more on it. (Sure, that's an excellent excuse...)


1st post; September, Danish Parties, Rotary District Conference, Copenhagen Fiasco, Meeting My Second Host Family, Cooking, Rotary Meetings, and Language School.

2nd post; October, Middelaldercentret, Holbæk, and Mønsklint, as well as 3rd month status report and ambitions/goals from here forward.


Very loose, and just some of the points I hope to cover. Having made literally zero posts in September means it may very well be the longest post I ever write, and I really ought to realize now that many small bite-sized posts would work better and be easier for my non-blogger brain to work with.

So stick with me Blog Readers, I'm trying to get good at a lot of different things here, and blogwriting kind of got slapped on the backburner. But I have plenty of new experiences to share with you! I'm hesitant to set a deadline for these next two posts, but keep an eye out for them.

-Callum, who will finish these two posts before November comes around.

(Crap, I think I set a deadline...)