The Danish Flag!

The Danish Flag!
GIfted to me during the Rotary weekend at the Canadian Ecology Centre when I learned that I was going to Denmark!

Thursday 14 June 2018


People, I will never be a blogger. That said, I owe it to this bloody thing, and more so to my exchange, to grant you the following.

Like riverwater rushing over stones
Or stiff wind hissing through bones
My breath heavy not with lusty power
But fast approaching inescapable hours

Who walks the seas and feels not the breeze?
Whom can pierce the flood of time apace?
Can any alive defy that awful race?
I know not.

I know heavy hearts and bent backs.
Shaking voices and made choices.
The end subsumes, God presumes, 
and I absume.

Give not unto regret, 
and live ever on in glory.
Cast your gaze down the coastline,
and mark it well.

Waves and Time will batter,
you and the coastline shatter.
And morrow come there lies a beach,
But what of you? 

What has Time taught, does now, and will teach?

Live, be brave, and mark yourself.
The waves will wash away all that you are not.

What remains?

See you back in Canada folks,


(I plan on making legacy blog posts, for all the many, many things I've not yet posted about, when I'm bored and feel like doing so. Thus, the blog does not end here. Although this is the end of my exchange.)