The Danish Flag!

The Danish Flag!
GIfted to me during the Rotary weekend at the Canadian Ecology Centre when I learned that I was going to Denmark!

Friday 10 March 2017

Før Marts Pause (Before March Break)

Hej! (Hi!)

Så, jeg vil gerne lærer mere Dansk for min tale. (So, I would like to learn more Danish for my speech.) But until then, I have to keep working at it. My comprehension is for sure getting better, but vocabulary and casual usage remain tantalizingly out of reach. I have begun in earnest to read The Year of Living Danishly by Helen Russell, and even though I may have some gripes with certain mannerisms in her writing, the book is an overall helpful and insightful look into Danish life.

I'm going to be spending the time with my mother's family over March Break, or Marts Pause, as the case may be, and it should be relaxing. That said, I have plenty of work to sink my teeth into while we're there, Danish and otherwise. Thus far, I have next-to-no-readers on my blog, which I suppose defaults to it being for my own personal use. So in the interest of being productive, and keeping a record for future reference, my speech should cover the following (in flawless Dansk);

-Who I am (basic info)
-Where I'm from (Hometown, country)
-My interests and pastimes, and achievements
-Why I wanted to go on exchange
-Why I wanted to go to Danmark

If I can make each of these strands last a minute, I already have a five minute speech, so I guess I'll have to keep brushing up on Dansk, and see if I can't strike up some conversations with the Danish speakers I've been put into contact with, who for consistency I will list below;

-Birgit, who lives here in Elliot Lake
-An exchange student from Denmark, currently in Italy, whose name eludes me
-Another exchange student from Canada who went to Denmark last year
-Yet one more exchange student who also went to Denmark some years ago

I have at least four people to hold samtaler (conversations) with, so I don't have an excuse!

I'm off to Dansk it up,



  1. Dear Callum
    Congratulations on your first blog post! I look forward to each and every one over the next year as you widen your horizons on this incredible journey and discover more about the man you are becoming. We will be here at home cheering you on! Savour the Robin Williams' John Keating implores his students, "Carpe Diem!"

  2. Just waiting to see this journey begin and I know that Hygge (the Danish Art of Happiness) will follow you and if the stars are aright I will follow as well but only as far as Iceland in April 2018 for the "Iceland Writer's Retreat. Live for the moment.
