The Danish Flag!

The Danish Flag!
GIfted to me during the Rotary weekend at the Canadian Ecology Centre when I learned that I was going to Denmark!

Saturday 5 August 2017

Departure; First Leg (Sudbury - Toronto)


So I've finally set out for my grand adventure! I must say, it certainly snuck up on me. Even while we went through all the preparations and tasks we needed to do, somewhere in the back of my mind, it all felt fake. As though we'd get to the airport and somebody dressed in ahistorical viking regalia would hop out from behind a pillar waving the Dannebrog and exclaiming "This was all a prank! You couldn't possibly have believed this would actually happen!"

And yet, it did. And is happening right now. I was especially unprepared to deal with saying goodbye. My reflexive hugs and kisses, and my words of farewell all came easy, but when I had to turn my back to my loved ones, those present and absent, and actually leave... Well, it was difficult.

I have had the undeserved good fortune and luck, of having truly wonderful parents and sister, and they have provided me with a plethora of mementos and practical tools to help me on my way. This first flight out of Sudbury went off with almost no hitch, save perhaps the fact that I reluctantly handed over my backpack to one of the cargo dudes, fervently hoping that the next plane will have more spacious overhead storage space. And it most certainly will, given that overseas flights are much more bulky in general. Once I get on board the flight to Copenhagen, hopefully there will still be enough space. That being said I will probably consider moving several of the more precious items from my backpack to my laptop bag.

Anyway, I've gone over the sweet things my family has left with me for the trip, the flight itself, and my overall sense of disorientation, having actually taken the first step on my exchange. Hvad kan jeg sige? (What can I say?) It's going to be awesome and scary and exciting and as a certain dubiously indecorous politician might invoke in reference to his now defunct dreams of daring division; IT'S GOING TO BE HUUUUUGE!


Venlig hilsen (warmest regards),

-Callum Arnold

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